cardano-api documentation

examples for using the cardano-api library

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Building transactions by hand

to construct a cardano-api TxBody we need first the bodyContent. We will construct a cardano-api TxBodyContent BuildTx AlonzoEra, for which we need, in particular, the two fields txIns and txOuts.

Constructing the fitting txIns

The txIns field expects a value of the following type:

type TxIns build era = [(TxIn, BuildTxWith build (Witness WitCtxTxIn era))]

so, next to the TxIn itself, there is the information of whether the TxIn needs a KeyWitness or a ScriptWitness. The hydra-demo project offers the following two helper functions:

-- for spending with a KeyWitness
txInForSpending :: TxIn -> (TxIn, BuildTxWith BuildTx (Witness WitCtxTxIn era))
txInForSpending = (,BuildTxWith (KeyWitness KeyWitnessForSpending))

-- for spending with a ScriptWitness
txInForValidator ::
  (PlutusTx.ToData d, PlutusTx.ToData r) =>
  TxIn ->
  Validator ->
  TxDatum d ->
  TxRedeemer r ->
  ExecutionUnits ->
  Either ToCardanoError (TxIn, BuildTxWith BuildTx (Witness WitCtxTxIn AlonzoEra))
txInForValidator txIn validator (TxDatum datum) (TxRedeemer redeemer) exUnits = do
  scriptInEra <- toCardanoScriptInEra (getValidator validator)
  case scriptInEra of
    ScriptInEra lang (PlutusScript version script) ->
        ( txIn
        , BuildTxWith $
            ScriptWitness ScriptWitnessForSpending $
                (ScriptDatumForTxIn (toCardanoData datum))
                (toCardanoData redeemer)
    -- only Plutus scripts are supported
    ScriptInEra _ (SimpleScript _ _) -> Left DeserialisationError

important: toCardanoScriptInEra and toCardanoAPIData (which is used by toCardanoData) are functions from the plutus-apps module Ledger.Tx.CardanoApi.Internal. This module is an interface to the transaction types from ‘cardano-api’ and gets re-exported through Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI

constructing the fitting txOuts

data TxOut ctx era = TxOut (AddressInEra    era)
                           (TxOutValue      era)
                           (TxOutDatum ctx  era)
                           (ReferenceScript era)

TxOut to key address

Constructing a TxOut to a key address is pretty straightforward. For the address, we first we need a SigningKey PaymentKey which we get (as PaymentKey has an instance of the Key class) with:

generateSigningKey :: Key keyrole => AsType keyrole -> IO (SigningKey keyrole)

The corresponding VerificationKey PaymentKey and then its hash is obtained with:

vkeyHash = verificationKeyHash (getVerificationKey skey), with both of these functions defined in the Key class.

Defining the networkId as either Mainnet or Testnet NetworkMagic, we get the address with another cardano-api function:

keyAddr = makeShelleyAddressInEra networkId (PaymentCredentialByKey vkeyHash) NoStakeAddress

next to the address, we need a value. For this, cardano-api provides the function lovelaceToTxOutValue which we apply to some Lovelace (a newtype wrapper around Integer). The datum field of the TxOut is TxOutDatumNone, as this is a payment to a key address.

putting it all together:

addressOut = TxOut keyAddr (lovelaceToTxOutValue lovelace) TxOutDatumNone ReferenceScriptNone

TxOut to script address

To construct a TxOut for a script address we additionally need a TxOutDatumHash. if the datum d is an instance to the ToData class, we can convert it as follows:

datumHash = TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra (hashScriptData $ toCardanoData d)

where toCardanoData again is from Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI and hashScriptData is a cardano-api function.

For the script address, the PaymentCredential must be a PaymentCredentialByScript ScriptHash, having this we can again construct the address with

scriptAddr = makeShelleyAddressInEra networkId (PaymentCredentialByScript scriptHash) NoStakeAddress

And the resulting TxOut is then:

scriptOut = TxOut scriptAddr (lovelaceToTxOutValue lovelace) datumHash ReferenceScriptNone

Alternatively, we can use the toCardanoAddressInEra from plutus-apps, by substituting BabbageEra with AlonzoEra as done below (as we are building a transaction in the AlonzoEra), and then building the TxOut directly.

-- taken from plutus-apps
toCardanoAddressInEra :: C.NetworkId -> P.Address -> Either ToCardanoError (C.AddressInEra C.AlonzoEra)
toCardanoAddressInEra networkId (P.Address addressCredential addressStakingCredential) =
    C.AddressInEra (C.ShelleyAddressInEra C.ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo) <$>
        (C.makeShelleyAddress networkId
            <$> toCardanoPaymentCredential addressCredential
            <*> toCardanoStakeAddressReference addressStakingCredential)

-- taken from hydra-demo
txOutToScript :: PlutusTx.ToData d => NetworkId -> Ledger.Address -> Lovelace -> TxDatum d -> Either ToCardanoError (TxOut ctx AlonzoEra)
txOutToScript networkId scriptAddress lovelace (TxDatum datum) = do
  address <- toCardanoAddressInEra networkId scriptAddress
  pure $ TxOut address (lovelaceToTxOutValue lovelace) (TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra (hashScriptData scriptData))
    scriptData = toCardanoData datum

Putting it all together

So, putting it all together in a real world example:

-- simplified, from `buildBetTx`, having a validatorAddress and a changeAddress
-- this tx only spends from key addresses, so the txIns are built with `txInForSpending`
-- this tx pays to a script (scriptOut) and to a key address (addressOut)
buildTxBody :: [TxIn] -> Either String (TxBody AlonzoEra)
buildTxBody inputRefs = do
  let bodyContent =
          { txIns = txInForSpending <$> inputRefs
          , txOuts = scriptOut : addressOut
  first (("bad tx-body: " <>) . show) $ createAndValidateTransactionBody bodyContent

where createAndValidateTransactionBody (respectively the deprecated makeTransactionBody which is used in the hydra-demo project) is taken from the cardano-api. And as baseBodyContent we have:

baseBodyContent :: TxBodyContent BuildTx AlonzoEra
baseBodyContent =
    { txIns = []
    , txInsCollateral = TxInsCollateralNone
    , txOuts = []
    , txFee = TxFeeExplicit TxFeesExplicitInAlonzoEra 0
    , txValidityRange = (TxValidityNoLowerBound, TxValidityNoUpperBound ValidityNoUpperBoundInAlonzoEra)
    , txMetadata = TxMetadataNone
    , txAuxScripts = TxAuxScriptsNone
    , txExtraKeyWits = TxExtraKeyWitnessesNone
    , txProtocolParams = BuildTxWith Nothing
    , txWithdrawals = TxWithdrawalsNone
    , txCertificates = TxCertificatesNone
    , txUpdateProposal = TxUpdateProposalNone
    , txMintValue = TxMintNone
    , txScriptValidity = TxScriptValidity TxScriptValiditySupportedInAlonzoEra ScriptValid

note: as we see from the TxBodyContent, we are in the AlonzoEra, this is decisive for createAndValidateTransactionBody and particularly for makeShelleyTransactionBody, which depending on the era builds a different TxBody in our case, we have the ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo, (must be ShelleyBased as in the Byron era there were no complex transactions). so our baseBodyContent is missing the fields

of course we could add them and build a TxBody BabbageEra

note: the txFee is set to 0 at this point because this transaction will be sent to a hydra head via websocket and thus fee rules for the cardano mainnet/testnets don’t apply. To build a transaction that is to be sent to a cardano-node, we would use makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance instead of createAndValidateTransactionBody. makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance needs more information, though, all of which can be queried from a local node. how this is done is shown in the runTxBuildCmd function from the Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Run.Transaction module

Transaction that spends from script address

To build a transaction that spends from a script address, see buildClaimTx from the hydra-demo.

There is one main difference to the example above: The txIns field of the TxBodyContent contains elements (see myValidatorTxIn and theirValidatorTxIn below) that are built with txInForValidator instead of txInForSpending (see functions above). So, instead of being paired with a keyWitness, their txIn is paired with a scriptWitness.

let bodyContent =
        { txIns = [myValidatorTxIn, theirValidatorIxIn]
        , txInsCollateral = TxInsCollateral CollateralInAlonzoEra [collateralTxIn]
        , txOuts = outputs
        , txProtocolParams = BuildTxWith (Just state.hsProtocolParams)

note: as this transaction is not going to be sent to a cardano node but to a hydra head, the execution units defined in the script witnesses are just set to the half of the maxTxExUnits:

  { executionSteps = executionSteps maxTxExUnits `div` 2
  , executionMemory = executionMemory maxTxExUnits `div` 2

In the case of a transaction for the cardano blockchain, the evaluation of the execution units is done with evaluateTransactionExecutionUnits inside the makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance function, where all the scripts are run to count the execution units.

Sign and submit the transaction

Having a balanced transaction of type TxBody AlonzoEra, signing this unsigned transaction is straightforward:

signedTx = signTx userSkey unsignedTx

signTx :: SigningKey PaymentKey -> TxBody AlonzoEra -> Tx AlonzoEra
signTx signingKey body = Tx body [witness]
    witness = makeShelleyKeyWitness body (WitnessPaymentKey signingKey)

-- this is possible because of the following pattern declaration
pattern Tx :: TxBody era -> [KeyWitness era] -> Tx era
pattern Tx txbody ws <- (getTxBodyAndWitnesses -> (txbody, ws))
    Tx txbody ws = makeSignedTransaction ws txbody

Submitting the transaction is done through the websocket. To submit a transaction to a cardano-node see the other examples.