cardano-api documentation

examples for using the cardano-api library

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Spending from a script address

This example is taken from PPP0303

Building the transaction input

While, to spend from a key address, we simply ‘tag’ the the transaction input with KeyWitness KeyWitnessForSpending, tagging a TxIn that is to be spent from a script address means building a witness that contains the script itself.

The resulting value is a (txIn, ScriptWitness ScriptWitnessForSpending plutusScriptWitness), where plutusScriptWitness contains the script itself, as well as the datum, redeemer and the script language and script version information.

When using the cardano-cli, these values are provided with --tx-in-script-file, --tx-in-datum-file and --tx-in-redeemer-file. The script gets parsed by the cardano-cli into a type ScriptInAnyLang which contains the script (of type PlutusScript PlutusScriptV1 in our case). The PlutusScriptOrReferenceInput lang type, needed for the script witness below, can then be built with the data constructor PScript and the sript value.

The ScriptDatum gets built with ScriptData and the ScriptDatumForTxIn data constructor while ScriptRedeemer is simply a type alias for ScriptData.

-- building a script witness
data ScriptWitness witctx era where
     PlutusScriptWitness :: ScriptLanguageInEra  lang era
                         -> PlutusScriptVersion  lang
                         -> PlutusScriptOrReferenceInput lang
                         -> ScriptDatum witctx
                         -> ScriptRedeemer
                         -> ExecutionUnits
                         -> ScriptWitness witctx era

-- building the witness with the sript witness
data Witness witctx era where
     ScriptWitness :: ScriptWitnessInCtx witctx
                   -> ScriptWitness      witctx era
                   -> Witness            witctx era

Building the txOut is done identically as in simple transaction, as the output goes to a key address.

The --requiredSignerHash input gets parsed into a a value for the txExtraKeyWits field of the transaction body content. Extra key witnesses visible to scripts are supported from the Alonzo era onwards. In our case we need this because the script checks that the transaction is signed by a certain party.

Balancing the transaction

As this transaction requires the running of a script to spend the txIn, the makeTransactionAutoBalance has to do some heavier work than in the previous two examples.

First, as in the previous examples, we use the temporary body content (which lacks information about transaction fees and script execution units) to build a TxBody with createAndValidateTransactionBody. Having thus a temporary TxBody, we then run evaluateTransactionExecutionUnits. Under the hood, this function runs the script with evaluateScriptRestricting from the plutus-ledger-api

The resulting value for the execution units is inserted into the script witness with substituteExecutionUnits, which lets us then calculate the txFee with the evaluateTransactionFee function.

So what is left to do at this point is calculating the balance going to the change address. This is done with the evaluateTransactionBalance function, and with the resulting value we can then create the corresponding change TxOut for the transaction body content:

TxOut changeaddr balance TxOutDatumNone ReferenceScriptNone

having done all this, we can build the final transaction body content by updating the txFee and txOuts fields and applying one last time the createAndValidateTransactionBody function.

the result is a balanced transaction body:

BalancedTxBody finalTxBodyContent txbody3 (TxOut changeaddr balance TxOutDatumNone ReferenceScriptNone) fee

Signing and submitting the transaction

Signing and submitting this transaction differs from the simpleTx example only in the SigningKey PaymentKey we need to provide. Instead of of a signing key for the --tx-in (which is controlled by the script in this case), we need a signing key for the tx-in-collateral.

cardano-cli transaction build \
    --alonzo-era \
    --testnet-magic 1 \
    --change-address $(cat 02.addr) \
    --tx-in 18cbe6cadecd3f89b60e08e68e5e6c7d72d730aaa1ad21431590f7e6643438ef#1 \
    --tx-in-script-file vesting.plutus \
    --tx-in-datum-file unit.json \
    --tx-in-redeemer-file unit.json \
    --tx-in-collateral 18e93407ea137b6be63039fd3c564d4c5233e7eb7ce4ee845bc7df12c80e4df7#1 \
    --required-signer-hash c2ff616e11299d9094ce0a7eb5b7284b705147a822f4ffbd471f971a \
    --invalid-before 48866954 \
    --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
    --out-file tx.body

cardano-cli transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file tx.body \
    --signing-key-file 02.skey \
    --testnet-magic 1 \
    --out-file tx.signed

cardano-cli transaction submit \
    --testnet-magic 1 \
    --tx-file tx.signed