cardano-api documentation

examples for using the cardano-api library

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The UTxO in the cardano-api

The Cardano network represents transactions as inputs and outputs of UTxOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs), where the inputs get consumed (if allowed by the provided key/script witnesses) and new outputs get created. A high level explanation of the UTxO model can be found here

A little bit more technically, a UTxO can be seen as a data type containing two elements:

In the cardano-api, the UTxO is defined as a map of these two elements:

newtype UTxO era = UTxO { unUTxO :: Map TxIn (TxOut CtxUTxO era) }

where the TxIn contains the transaction ID and index, and the TxOut the remaining data. In json format, obtained for example with the following cardano-cli command:

cardano-cli query utxo --address ADDR --testnet-magic TESTNET-MAGIC --out-file /dev/stdout
    "d0a10a69b22ab7ff4877150438d1435587a327be52a0d8066a05fdcbf30787a5#0": {
        "address": "addr_test1vp907jcda78gsxzukt54xynfgzgpq634yvp5836qk6nmkxqv64akd",
        "datum": null,
        "datumhash": null,
        "inlineDatum": null,
        "referenceScript": null,
        "value": {
            "lovelace": 10000000

A more interesting example of a UTxO can be found here.

As the definition and the second example show, a UTxO it is a map of TxIns and TxOuts. So being precise, a UTxO is not one unspent transaction output, but arbitrarily many. This can lead to confusion, as normaly when speaking about a UTxO, we mean one unspent transaction output.

In the cardano-cli, the UTxO data type is used mainly for queries. In these, the cardano-api type QueryUTxOFilter is used to filter the query, and with the precise UTxO definition from above in mind, it makes sense that the WholeUTxO filter below means querying the chain for all unspent transaction outputs (which is only advisable on small testnets):

data QueryUTxOFilter =
     -- | /O(n) time and space/ for utxo size n
     -- | /O(n) time, O(m) space/ for utxo size n, and address set size m
   | QueryUTxOByAddress (Set AddressAny)
     -- | /O(m log n) time, O(m) space/ for utxo size n, and address set size m
   | QueryUTxOByTxIn (Set TxIn)

These filters are used by the cardano-cli query utxo command, with the --address option for outputs filtered by the provided addresses and the --tx-in option for outputs filtered by transaction IDs plus indexes.

When building transactions with the cardano-cli, though, a ‘UTxO’ is either a --tx-in when in the context of a transaction input or a --tx-out (plus --tx-out-datum-hash or similar options if needed) when in the context of a transaction output. For a transaction output we of course have no other choice, as the transaction hash needed for the TxIn doesn’t exist yet at the moment of building the transaction.

As for the transaction inputs: The information contained in the TxIn is obviously not enough to build the transaction. The cardano-cli therefore queries the node with above mentioned QueryUTxOByTxIn filter inside the runTxBuild function. Later in the same function, this UTxO is passed to the cardano-api makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance function and converted to its cardano-ledger type to evaluate the transaction execution units.

The TxOut and its context

Especially noticeable about the TxOut type is that it is tagged with a context, which can be either a transaction (CtxTx) or just the UTxO itself (CtxUTxO):

data TxOut ctx era = TxOut (AddressInEra    era)
                           (TxOutValue      era)
                           (TxOutDatum ctx  era)
                           (ReferenceScript era)

The reason for this is the TxOutDatum type. When building a transaction with the cardano-cli, depending on the options chosen, the cardan-cli parses the datum information into one of the following values:

data TxOutDatumAnyEra = TxOutDatumByHashOnly (Hash ScriptData)
                      | TxOutDatumByHashOf    ScriptDataOrFile
                      | TxOutDatumByValue     ScriptDataOrFile
                      | TxOutInlineDatumByValue ScriptDataOrFile
                      | TxOutDatumByNone

After using the datum to build a (cardano-cli) TxOutAnyEra, the runTxBuildCmd converts this txOut with toTxOutInAnyEra into a cardano-api TxOut CtxTx era (so, a txOut in the transaction context).

For the conversion of the cardano-cli TxOutDatumAnyEra to the cardano-api TxOutDatum inside toTxOutInAnyEra, we have three case distinctions:

The transaction context is important because of the possibilty to produce a TxOutDatumInTx:

TxOutDatumInTx'  :: ScriptDataSupportedInEra era
                 -> Hash ScriptData
                 -> ScriptData
                 -> TxOutDatum CtxTx era

A value of this type contains the non hashed datum (ScriptData). But when we convert a txOut containing such a datum to its ledger type (with convTxOuts, to later produce the cardano-ledger transaction body content), we only keep the hash:

toAlonzoTxOutDataHash' (TxOutDatumInTx' _ (ScriptDataHash dh) _) = SJust dh

The datum itself gets stored in a map in the transaction body (in TxBodyScriptData). To get this information using the hash as key, we have fromLedgerTxOuts, which internally uses fromAlonzoTxOutDatum scriptDataInEra datahash.

So, a TxOutDatumInTx makes only sense in the context of a transaction, as we need a transaction body from which we can retrieve the datum. That’s why we also have the type TxOut CtxUTxO era, that cannot be built with a TxOutDatumInTx.

Changing the context of a txOut from transaction to UTxO can be done with the following cardano-api function:

toCtxUTxOTxOut :: TxOut CtxTx  era -> TxOut CtxUTxO era
toCtxUTxOTxOut (TxOut addr val d refS) =
  let dat = case d of
              TxOutDatumNone -> TxOutDatumNone
              TxOutDatumHash s h -> TxOutDatumHash s h
              TxOutDatumInTx' s h _ -> TxOutDatumHash s h
              TxOutDatumInline s sd -> TxOutDatumInline s sd
  in TxOut addr val dat refS

where the TxOutDatumInTx gets converted to a TxOutDatumHash, loosing the information about the data and only retaining the hash.

As can be seen in the UTxO definition at the beginning of the chapter, the txOuts in the map have to be in the UTxO context.

Since the start of the Babbage era, the TxOutDatumInTx has lost importance though, since a non hashed datum can now be stored in a cardano-ledger txOut. This is done, inside convTxOuts, with the following function:

toBabbageTxOutDatum' (TxOutDatumInline _ sd) = scriptDataToInlineDatum sd

scriptDataToInlineDatum :: ScriptData -> Babbage.Datum ledgerera
scriptDataToInlineDatum = Babbage.Datum . Alonzo.dataToBinaryData . toAlonzoData