cardano-api documentation

examples for using the cardano-api library

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Delegating and withdrawing from staking address

Instead of using signing/verifcation keys to create a stake address, we can also use a plutus script and hash it to get a stake address.

In PPP0310 we have such a script which is parameterised by an address and which we can serialise, convert to its cardano-api type and write to a file (as seen almost identically in other examples).

writeStakeValidator :: FilePath -> Plutus.Address -> IO (Either (FileError ()) ())
writeStakeValidator file = writeFileTextEnvelope @(PlutusScript PlutusScriptV1) file Nothing . PlutusScriptSerialised . SBS.toShort . LBS.toStrict . serialise . Plutus.getStakeValidator . stakeValidator

where stakeValidator is of type Address -> ValidatorScript.

The logic of the script is explained in the lecture, basically it just demands that in order to withdraw the rewards, half of the withdrawal has to go to a specified address (the one used as argument for the typed script)

So, once the cardano-cli has the script, using the cardano-api it can produce a StakeCredential with value StakeCredentialByScript (ScriptHash sh), where sh is the script hash obtained with scriptHash. finally, the cardano-api provides the makeStakeAddress function to build the address.

makeStakeAddress :: NetworkId -> StakeCredential -> StakeAddress
makeStakeAddress nw sc =
      (toShelleyNetwork nw)
      (toShelleyStakeCredential sc)

the corresponding cardano-cli command is cardano-cli stake-address build.

Registering and delegating

The stake address itself will only be used for withdrawals. To register and delegate the address to a pool, we only need the underlying StakeCredential.

the cardano-cli offers the commands stake-address registration-certificate and stake-address delegation-certificate, both taking the script as argument. For the delegation we additionally need a PoolId which in the example is obtained with the query stake-pools command (there is only one pool on the testnet). As shown below, in the cardano-api such a certificates are just wrapped StakeCredentials (plus the poolId info in case of the delegation).

data Certificate =
     StakeAddressRegistrationCertificate   StakeCredential
   | StakeAddressDeregistrationCertificate StakeCredential
   | StakeAddressDelegationCertificate     StakeCredential PoolId

having the required certificates ($registration and $delegation below), we can build the transaction to register and delegate onchain.

registration does not require witnessing, but delegation (and also deregistration) does, so we need the --certificate-script-file and --certificate-redeemer-file to build the script witness.

cardano-cli transaction build \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --change-address $(cat $script_payment_addr) \
    --out-file $raw \
    --tx-in $txin \
    --tx-in-collateral $txin \
    --certificate-file $registration \
    --certificate-file $delegation \
    --certificate-script-file $script \
    --certificate-redeemer-file unit.json \
    --protocol-params-file $pp

the cardano-cli converts the info above into the cardano-api TxCertificates type, needed for the txCertificates field of the transaction body content.

data TxCertificates build era where

     TxCertificatesNone :: TxCertificates build era

     TxCertificates     :: CertificatesSupportedInEra era
                        -> [Certificate]
                        -> BuildTxWith build
                             (Map StakeCredential (Witness WitCtxStake era))
                        -> TxCertificates build era

The [Certificate] list in this example contains both the registration and delegation certificate. And, as delegation requires witnessing, the Map StakeCredential (Witness WitCtxStake era) above contains our stake credential mapped with the appropriate witness, which is a ScriptWitness ScriptWitnessForStakeAddr sWit, where the sWit is a PlutusScriptWitness containing the usual information (such as the script itself and the redeemer).

The execution units for the stake script will, as in the other examples, again be calculated and subsituted into the witness by makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance.

Finally the transaction has to be signed with the signing key associated with the --tx-in value (which is not only needed for the transaction fees, but also for the registraion deposit).


the --change-address given above is a key address, which not only has a payment component (as seen in the previous examples), but also a staking component which is of course our staking script. so through the transaction above, this address got already funded and delegates theses funds to the pool with the poolId defined in the delegation certificate.

Building an address with a staking component can be done by adding the --stake-script-file argument to the cardano-cli address build command. The only change under the hood is that the argument of type StakeAddressReference for the cardano-api makeShelleyAddress function is now a StakeAddressByValue stakeCredential instead of a NoStakeAddress

So, once the stake address has accumulated rewards, they can be withdrawn with the following transaction:

cardano-cli transaction build \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --change-address $(cat tmp/user1-script.addr) \
    --out-file $raw \
    --tx-in $txin \
    --tx-in-collateral $txin \
    --tx-out "$(cat tmp/user2.addr)+$amt2 lovelace" \
    --withdrawal "$(cat tmp/user1-script-stake.addr)+$amt1" \
    --withdrawal-script-file tmp/stake-validator.script \
    --withdrawal-redeemer-file unit.json \
    --protocol-params-file $pp

The input specific to withdrawing rewards for the cardano-cli function runTxBuild is of type:

[(StakeAddress, Lovelace, Maybe (ScriptWitness WitCtxStake era))]

All the information necessery to build a value of this type is there; the protocol parameters, script-file and redeemer-file for the ScriptWitness; the $amt1 for the Lovelace and the user1-script-stake.addr for the StakeAddress. Additionally, the Just scriptWitness value must be converted into the witness type Witness WitCtxStake era needed for the txWithdrawals field of the transaction body content.

TxWithdrawals :: WithdrawalsSupportedInEra era
              -> [(StakeAddress, Lovelace,
                   BuildTxWith build (Witness WitCtxStake era))]
              -> TxWithdrawals build era

this conversion is done with the cardano-cli function validateTxWithdrawals. What this function is doing is basically transforming Nothings into key witnesses (tagged with KeyWitnessForStakeAddr) and Justs into script witnesses (tagged with ScriptWitnessForStakeAddr), both of cardano-api type Witness.

So, having built the value for the txWithdrawals field of the transaction body content, the cardano-cli again uses the makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance function, as seen in the other examples, to balance the transaction.

Also as seen before, this function calculates the execution units, this time of the stake validator script, and replaces the default value of 0 execution units in the script witness with the new value. Then, after calculating the fee and the change going to the change address, the transaction body is built by applying the final transaction body content to createAndValidateTransactionBody

Note: The --tx-out in above transaction is only specified because we need this payment to satisfy the conditions declared in the stake validator script.

signing and submitting

signing and submitting the transaction then is nothing special, we just need to provide the signing key to spend the --tx-in and the --collateral, which in this case are the same input.


amt1=$(scripts/ | jq .[0].rewardAccountBalance)
amt2=$(expr $amt1 / 2 + 1)

echo "txin = $1"
echo "amt1 = $amt1"
echo "amt2 = $amt2"

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=cardano-private-testnet-setup/private-testnet/node-bft1/node.sock

cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --out-file $pp

cardano-cli transaction build \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --change-address $(cat tmp/user1-script.addr) \
    --out-file $raw \
    --tx-in $txin \
    --tx-in-collateral $txin \
    --tx-out "$(cat tmp/user2.addr)+$amt2 lovelace" \
    --withdrawal "$(cat tmp/user1-script-stake.addr)+$amt1" \
    --withdrawal-script-file tmp/stake-validator.script \
    --withdrawal-redeemer-file unit.json \
    --protocol-params-file $pp

cardano-cli transaction sign \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --tx-body-file $raw \
    --out-file $signed \
    --signing-key-file cardano-private-testnet-setup/private-testnet/addresses/user1.skey

cardano-cli transaction submit \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --tx-file $signed